Sony Xperia Z Ultra Phablet @ Rs.46,990 Sony Xperia Z Ultra (Black) Sony India today launched Sony Xperia Z Ultra to its latest in the range of premium large-screen Android based smartphone. With the launch in India the priced for Sony Xperia Z Ultra is set at Rs 46,990. The 6.4-inch full-HD screen large screen Sony Xperia Z Ultra is IP58 certified waterproof (up to 1 meter and 30 minutes) and dust resistance smartphone. According to SonyMobile, Xperia Z Ultra is a slim and durable Android OS, v4.2 (Jelly Bean) smartphone that offers unlimited entertainment. It will go on sale in the next month from August 2. It weighs only 212 g (7.48 oz) and is powered by Qualcomm MSM8274 or MSM8974 Snapdragon 800 Quad-core 2.2 GHz Krait 400 processor. It is having a 8 MP primary camera and 2 MP secondary camera. It has 16 GB internal memory, 2GB RAM and support for card slot is expandable to 64 GB microSD card. The Xperia Z Ultra is available in three color variants-Black, White and Pur...
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