BlackBerry to Launch Z3 Smartphone in India, to be priced around ₹12000 BlackBerry Z3 Smartphone Looks like BlackBerry is inspired by the sale of MOTO G in India. BlackBerry is planning to launch Z3 to capture the largest segment of Smartphone users, who are willing to buy a phone that cost around Rs 12000. BlackBerry is hoping to revive its loyal fan bases that are shifting to low budget Android phones. The news broke out by Business Line. According to Business Line, BlackBerry’s Executive Chairman and CEO John Chen said, “It will be attractive to go to India with the under $200 phone. At least, we will be competitive. I know you can buy Android phones at less than $75 but given the features and security packed into our phone we can be competitive below $200.” Loyal BlackBerry fans of India are waiting for the launch of Z3 after it was announced for Indonesian market. If BlackBerry is really going to launch Z3 in India, this will be a second step they are takin...
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