In spec and price comparison to other popular mobile phones in range of Rs. 12999, Xiaomi Mi4i is beating its competitors. Moto G II Gen, Asus Zenfone 2 (ZE550ML) and Xiaomi Mi4i all are priced at Rs.12999 and are the best in this price range. Display: Moto G II Gen and Mi 4i both are having 5 inches display but Mi 4i is having full HD display with 1080 x 1920 (~441 ppi pixel density) resolution whereas Moto G II Gen is having HD display with 720 x 1280 (~294 ppi pixel density) resolution. Asus Zenfone 2 (ZE550ML) on the other hand is having larger display of the three and is having 5.5 inches, HD display with 1280x720 (~267 ppi pixel density) resolution. Mi 4i having a whooping 441 ppi and is way better than the other two and other top end mobile phones ranging above 20k. Xiaomi Mi 4i at 7.8 mm is thinner than the other two, whereas Moto G II Gen is thicker at 11 mm and Asus Zenfone 2 (ZE550ML) 10.9 mm is thinner than Moto G II Gen but thicker than Mi 4i. All the three are ha...
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