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Showing posts with the label Facebook

Income Tax Proud Filer Badge for Facebook Profile Picture India

"PAN-XXXXXXXXXX Honoring the Honest-Use/Share the Proud Filer Badge" Indian Income Tax Agency is offering all the tax fillers to show up their Proud Filer Badge through Facebook profile picture. Income Tax Department of India is sending email with subject line "PAN-XXXXXXXXXX Honoring the Honest-Use/Share the Proud Filer Badge" to help guide the filers on how to show the Proud Filer Badge. How to Show Income Tax's Proud Filer Badge for Facebook Profile Picture in India Here are the steps to use the Facebook Badge on Mobile Phone: Step 1: Open your Facebook Mobile App Step 2: Click on Profile Pic and the select Add Frame Step 3: Search for Proud Filer, you will get Income Tax Official Profile Badge - Proud Filler by Income Tax India Step 4: Click on the searched Frame. Facebook will set your profile picture with the Proud Filler Badge. Step 5: Click on Save and your are done with adding Proud Filler Badge to your Facebook Profile Picture. Here are the steps to us...

Facebook Started Showing In-Stream Video Ads or Mid-Roll Video Ads

Hate mid-roll video ads on YouTube? Get Ready to Watch In-Stream Video Ads On Facebook News Feed. Facebook began showing more and more videos to its users over the past few years. By default, auto play for videos is enabled on both the mobile and desktop version of Facebook. Many users never mind to disable this feature. Imagine what will Facebook earns when they will start rolling out video ads for all user generated videos. The ad will run after around 20 seconds of your video watching and deliver 5-15 second mid-roll video ads. Over the period of time I got to see Facebook Pop-Up videos when I scroll the news feed on desktop. This popup video is one step towards making more money through Facebook in videos ads. If you scroll while watching the video, the ad will not be visible to you. So, to make ads visible the video will pop-out from your news feed and will be running and visible throughout your scrolling. Yesterday, while watching a video about edible water orbs shared ...

Facebook's Pop-Out Floating Video in News Feed for Desktop Users

Looks like Facebook is again testing the feature for Pop-Out video that floats in the news feed while scrolling news feed up and down. Facebook first tested the same feature in 2015 but was not made available for all desktop users. As of know it still seems to be in testing phase as I am not able to see this feature in the same MacBook for different browsers. Like I am able to watch the pop-out and scrolling video in Firefox browser but the same is not working in Chrome browser. The floating video option is made available through 2 options. One is a Video Pop-Out button in the current played video. You have to click on that blue pop-out button to get video moved to left hand side of the news feed. The pop-out video button is in white color when video is not playing. As the video starts playing it color changes to blue. Video Pop-Out Button in Blue Color The second option is scroll down so the current playing video is not visible in your screen, the video will Pop-Out automati...

How to Stop/Disable Facebook Android App Automatic-Video-Playing?

How to Turn Off videos autoplay on Facebook? With the last Facebook update for it's mobile app, they have rolled out auto-play video feature that automatically plays GIFs, Vines and video. By default the setting is set to play video automatically even you are on mobile data. This is something not in favor of users. At least they should have set it to automatic play videos on WiFi. But to help advertisers and gain money Facebook choose the other way-rob its users by auto-playing the advertisers videos ads. On your mobile, these auto-play videos uses a great amount of your mobile data. To Disable Videos Auto-play on Android: To disable auto-play videos on Facebook's Android mobile apps tap on the menu i.e. hamburger / three lines on top right corner: Scroll down and tap on “App Settings” Tap on “Videos play automatically” which is set to default On Now, you will see Video Auto-play is ON.  If you wish to run the video automatically on WiFi tap on "Wi-fi ...

Facebook News Feed Update-Choose Whose Posts to See in Your News Feed

Facebook Updated News Feed Option for Following Friends With the new update in News Feed option, Facebook is now allowing users to select friends for those they want to see posts in News Feed. If you don't want to see your friend's post in the News Feed section but want to remain as his or her Facebook friend then just un-check the  Following button and its done. You will remain Facebook Friends for ever and don't have to keep on seeing annoying frequent updates from your friend.

Facebook Like and Share Buttons Changes Similar to the Goolge+ Button

Facebook Introducing New Like and Share Buttons Facebook first introduced the Like button in 2010 and from that day their user base has reached to 7.5 million websites with over 22 billion views daily.  Like lets people post links to Facebook with one click, while Share allows them to add a personalized message and customize their target audience before posting. Now, after almost 3 years, on November 6, 2013, they are re-introducing the Like and Share button to the online world and social network. The new design will be rolling out to everyone in the coming weeks. The up-gradation will go live automatically for all those users who are using old version. Following is the image of new Facebook Share and Like buttons: Looking at the above images it looks an idea stolen from the Google+ button with bubble annotation. It looks like Google too has changed the style of it's G+1 button.

With Facebook Embedded Posts Everyone Can Embed Facebook Posts on Any Blog or Website

Facebook Rolls Out Embedded Posts for All Online Users Facebook has now roll-out Embedded Posts for everyone. "Embedded Posts" was first announced in July 31, 2013. You will be eager to know what is Facebook's Embedded Posts . According to Facebook, Embedded Posts, is a social plugin that lets users to easily add public posts from Facebook to a blog or web site, other than Facebook. The embedded post will show any media attached to it, as well as the number of likes, shares, and comments that the post has. How to Embed a Facebook Post? This feature is only available for posts from Facebook Pages and profiles that are set to public. If the post is set as public, then only look for an arrow icon that appears in the top right corner of the post and click to get the code needed to embed a post or video. When you click the Embed Post from drop down menu, a dialog will pops up. From the pop-up simply copy and paste the code provided on your own web page: ...

Khalil Shreateh, Security Researcher Breaks Into Zuckerberg's Wall To Report Bug

Khalil Shreateh Report Facebook Exploit on Mark Zuckerberg's Wall Khalil Shreateh, Palestinian security researcher with a B.A degree in Information Systems, discovered a big Facebook security vulnerability. As an ethical hackers he want this bug to be resolved as soon as possible. So, he sent mail twice to Facebook Security team through whitehat , but Facebook ignored his mail. During his first two mail he informed the security team that he had posted on Sarah Goodin's profile even though is not in her friend list and is not allowed to post on her wall. Sarah Goodin was the student of Harvard students and was first woman to have created the Facebook profile. Even then they ignored the warning. Khalil Shreateh Hijacked Sarah Goodin's Timeline Finally, he decided to proof himself. So, he thought the best way to get attention is to directly post on the Mark Zuckerberg's Wall. Security expert Khalil Shreateh then used this Facebook glitch to post to Mark Zuck...

Now You Can Try Facebook Graph Search In India

What is Facebook Graph Search: According to Wikipedia Article, "Facebook Graph Search is a semantic search engine that was introduced by Facebook in March 2013. It is designed to give answers to user natural language queries rather than a list of links. The Graph Search feature combines the big data acquired from its over one billion users and external data into a search engine providing user-specific search results. In a presentation headed by Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, it was announced that the Graph Search algorithm finds information from within a user's network of friends." Facebook Graph Search Rolled Internationally for US English Users : Facebook rolled out the Graph Search feature two days ago for all US English users. Want to try out new Facebook Graph Search? Here is the link to test whether the new search feature introduced by Facebook is available to your account or not. Mark Zuckerberg Announcing Graph Search My Stint with Facebook Grap...

Facebook Paid International Bug Hunters $1 million, India Second in Bug Bounty Program

India Second in Recipient of Facebook's "Bug Bounty" Program Facebook's "Bug Bounty" Program Image Credit Facebook said that it paid more than US$1 million to scientists who reported bugs on its social networking site, with India stacked up second regarding the amount of bug abundance beneficiaries. "The countries with the fastest growing number of recipients are, in order, the U.S., India, Turkey, Israel, Canada, Germany, Pakistan, Egypt, Brazil, Sweden, and Russia," Collin Greene, security engineer at Facebook, said in the statement. In an statement on its website, Facebook said that India was second on the list of nations with the increasing number of beneficiaries of Facebook's Bug Bounty program. Facebook had begun the project around 2 years ago to remunerate security specialists who report issues and urge individuals to help keep the site safe and secure. "Our Bug Bounty program allows us to harness the talent and perspe...