Hate mid-roll video ads on YouTube? Get Ready to Watch In-Stream Video Ads On Facebook News Feed.
Facebook began showing more and more videos to its users over the past few years. By default, auto play for videos is enabled on both the mobile and desktop version of Facebook. Many users never mind to disable this feature. Imagine what will Facebook earns when they will start rolling out video ads for all user generated videos. The ad will run after around 20 seconds of your video watching and deliver 5-15 second mid-roll video ads.Over the period of time I got to see Facebook Pop-Up videos when I scroll the news feed on desktop. This popup video is one step towards making more money through Facebook in videos ads. If you scroll while watching the video, the ad will not be visible to you. So, to make ads visible the video will pop-out from your news feed and will be running and visible throughout your scrolling.
Yesterday, while watching a video about edible water orbs shared by Mashable, I got the glimpse of Facebook mid-roll video ads. Here, is the screen grab of in video ad on Facebook news feed:
The mid-roll video ads started running after 20 seconds and there was no option to skip the ad, only a a notification that ad is going to start. Though the ads are very short, I have to watch the ad till the end.
That was on Facebook for desktop.
Now, Facebook has started rolling out a section for Video on its top navigation tab bar for Android app. The Video tab icon is in between the Find Friends and Notification icons, in the middle of the total five icons. Take a look at the additional tab in the blue bar for video.
Earlier, there were only 4 icons in the navigation tab on Facebook App for Android:
At present I am unable to view any ad on Facebook app on Android phone, but the glimpse of ad that I watched on desktop version is a sign of getting more Mid-Roll Video Ads running both on mobile and desktop. It is also a good sign for publishers who are dedicating hours to make and publish original video content for Facebook viewers without getting a single penny. Now both the publishers and Facebook will get chance to make money.
Update: On my Firefox browser, today I again saw the In-Stream Video Ads published and shared by Mashable. At about 20 secs. of playing video, Facebook gives a notice about ads starting soon:
Soon after 2-3 seconds the ads started and ends in around 5-15 seconds depending upon the ads length.
The video post shared by Mashable is showing ads every time it is replayed. I was able to watch Virgin Atlantic, Tuborg ads and Star Plus, McDowell's No1 and Patanjali Ads from India in the same video post. The In-Stream Video Ads time ranges from 5 secs to 9 secs and 15 secs.
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