Google Launched Android One in India-Micromax Canvas A1-Rs 6,499, Spice Dream UNO-Rs 6,299, Karbonn Sparkle V-Rs 6,399
Google Launched Android One Based Phones in India Sundar Pichai Talking About AndroidOne Specifications of AndroidOne based Smartphones Google today launched Android One based smartphones in India. Micromax Canvas A1 with Android One , Spice Dream UNO , and the Karbonn Sparkle V are the phones launched today by Google . Currently, Amazon India is selling Micromax Canvas A1 with Android One for Rs 6,499 with additional 10% discount for SBI debit and credit card users. Karbonn Sparkle V is listed on Snapdeal at Rs 6,399. Spice Dream UNO is priced at Rs 6,299 and is sold by Flipkart . Read more... Sundar Pichai Comment on the AndroidOne Blog Android One announced on Google+ the launching of Android One smartphones, with quotes from Sundar Pichai who is incharge of Google Android and leading Android One. "The advent of smartphones and the pace at which we're driving the innovation is really changing how people can access the internet."- +Sundar Pich...