BlackBerry Priv-An Upcoming High End Android Based Phone BlackBerry has finally confirmed it's Priv smartphone will launch at the end of 2015. BlackBerry Priv smartphone is based on Android and have a slider QWERTY keyboard. The mobile phone company, said Friday that they will release BlackBerry Priv (Short for Privacy) later this year. The Priv runs on Android instead of BlackBerry OS 10 and will feature a sliding QWERTY keyboard behind the touchscreen. "Today, I'm confirming our plans to launch Priv, and Android device named after BlackBerry's heritage and core mission of protecting our customers' privacy," wrote CEO John Chen in company's Second Quarter Financial results. "Priv combines the best of BlackBerry security and productivity with the expansive ecosystem of mobile applications available on the Android platform." Chen also said that BlackBerry OS 10 will continue to receive updates and will not be replaced by the Android op...
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